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...The first of the WOLF CHRONICLES, an ongoing saga about the adventures of Wolfgang Amadeus Robinson. Wolf to most people, whose expolits in space probably exceeded the imagination of most men. - Science fiction, maybe! More detail in main site.

For a limited time, you can get a FREE copy of the initial WOLF CHRONICLES novella, a series of science fiction tales you could almost believe in – direct from this site or via places like Amazon and Nook.

The second offering is a supernatural thiller, or if you are a little squeamish perhaps I should use the word horror, maybe that is more in the subsequent books. At the moment there are four in the saga.

The Blair Wasp is a light hearted way to look at the way some people look at the world, and beyond, purely with an eye for material gain and power.

Click on images for download link

... Contemplating Immortality is the first in the Jack Hawkins saga, a journey into a world he initially could not accept. We don't have to believe that there may be a spirit world but if we do it could explain a lot of unusual occurences.

Details in the Horror section, link to free book by clicking on image.


... The Blair Wasp Project is a slightly satirical science fiction novella. Tongue in cheek adventure though it does lean toward horror, after all the title, intended to make you think about the Blair Witch, should be a guide to the level of violence and mayhem.